Our Story
It began with a ring of vintage skeleton keys from my dad. Antiques, vintage tools, wooden boxes “treasures” from the past, all had been a part of my upbringing. Repurposing found pieces inspired me along with nature and its ever-transforming quality. Keeping my favorite key with me to represent unlocking my own potential and direction in the world would serve as a daily reminder, but it needed something more.
I bought some leather and inspirational charms and blended the three pieces together. As I adorned myself with the historic piece and the message to believe, I felt the power of expression this talisman could hold. The first Amy Louise design was born along with my mission, “To inspire the expression of self, belief in dreams and faith to unlock our gifts.”
As I have evolved as an artist and a woman I created the Grace Row Collection. I felt drawn to create images that represent these stages the challenges, the joy the beauty of life. Hope, love, connection, peace, growth, freedom are but a few of the encouraging messages I create. These drawings are designed to capture the essence of womanhood and inspire you to embrace every stage of the journey of life. My mission is to support woman in knowing that their journey matters, they matter!
My hope is that each piece of Amy Louise Jewelry and Grace Row art will help you to better express your own unique style along with your dreams and inspirations. When we are kind and believe in the best for ourselves and others that is what is attracted to us.
Unlock, believe, inspire, create, hope, share, ….Most importantly, I believe is that of living in peace and love.